Happy 4th of July!

3:01 PM Amanda Greathouse 0 Comments

Happy Independence Day everyone! 

We celebrated for the 2nd year from here in Germany. Greg was a little sick in the morning & early afternoon so Greyson & I kicked off the day on our own. We went to the Rockin 4th Fest on Ramstein AFB. We grabbed some coffee with my friend & hung out with other ladies & babies in the unit while they were running a dunk tank & face painting booth.

Once Greg was feeling better, we picked him up & headed back up to the festival. We got some food - but only after standing in a ridiculous line for about 30 minutes just for brats! Greyson got to play & see some people we don't see that often. He loves being told how cute he is - he's slightly vain for a 4 1/2 month old! haha

We hung out for the fireworks the festival was setting off that night. Considering the military's cutbacks, the fireworks display was pretty good. I was nervous about Greyson's first time watching them, but he did GREAT! He was mesmerized by the colors in the sky & the loud noises didn't bother him at all. Greg & I took turns holding him & about halfway through the display, he passed out in Greg's arms. It was adorable - then distressing when he got woken up at the car! Sorry Grey!

Me & Greyson ready for fireworks

Greyson sleeping through the flashes & booms

Greg, Greyson & I watching fireworks

While it is hard to celebrate the independence of our country while thousands of miles away from family & many friends, it turned out to be a good day! Hope everyone was safe & enjoying their 5th of July!