21 weeks

10:22 PM Amanda Greathouse 0 Comments

Happy Friday! This week has flown by for sure, which is a little surprising following a long 3-4 day weekend! But with each Friday comes a new week of my pregnancy! Hard to believe we're over halfway to meeting our newest addition!
How far along: 18 weeks
Gender: 4 more days until we find out!!
Weight gain: Not sure but my guess is like 9 lbs? I'm sure that number will jump up with the season of Halloween candy, Thanksgiving dinners & holiday treats quickly approaching!
Maternity clothes: always! My goal is to finally get pants for work this weekend so I can stop wearing my regular ones with a belly band or yoga pants!
Stretch marks: Not yet! & hopefully none at all!
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: This cool weather is perfect for sleeping now! Not sleeping a ton, but man do I sleep hard when I do.
Best moment this week: My belly popped much more in the last day or so! It was still in the sort-of pregnant look but now it's out for good
Worst moment this week: Grad school work & long, busy days at work have made me crazy exhausted
Miss anything: A good strawberry margarita!
Movement: Yep! I notice it most at night when everything has calmed down from the day. It's such a good feeling!
Cravings: Apple cider & red grapes! Random things depending on the day
Queasy or sick: Not really any more!
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex reeeeally soon! So excited!
We are so close finally to our anatomy scan! It seems like it's taken forever to get here. My doctor schedules the scan for 18-22 weeks & they are always very busy so I wasn't able to get in for mine until 21.5 weeks! So much later than everyone, but there should be no questions if the little one is cooperative!
And since I have been crazy busy & haven't posted the last few weeks of bump pictures... here is 19 & 20 weeks!

I really do hope I can bring myself to manage my time better & get back to my regular posting!
Until then, I will continue to play catch up!
And with that, it's a cozy socks, sparkling grape juice & movie night here!