It's the Little Things// Adventures With Grey

3:48 AM Amanda Greathouse 0 Comments

With not being able to drive here in Germany recently, I can't easily head back home after our errands and running around on base. Grey and I end up having to hang out and kill time between things we need to do. 

Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot on base to do for fun that's entertaining to a toddler and not outside when it's freezing cold. So we frequently end up wandering around the BX, looking at things! sometimes before the stores inside even open. 

The nice thing about being there so early is that there's really not many people there. A few people here and there grabbing Cinnabon or coffee at the Starbucks. But for the most part, a couple employees walk around preparing for the stores to open. So we take advantage of it and I can let Grey roam free without really worrying about him getting lost in the tons of people.
Since Cinnabon is one of the few things open early, we always take a trip inside to smell the deliciousness & fighting hard to resist the ooey gooey yummy cinnamon rolls. I'm dying to try their center of the roll, especially the one with salted caramel on it. I will try it before we leave here, mark my words! 
And of course no trip to wander around is complete without playing on the huge staircase & knocking on the glass! And yes, he insisted on wearing his hat while he ran around. He has this adorable attachment to it & has to wear it allll the time. 
Stop, drop & roll! Every time...
He looks so freaking big sitting in the booth with his juice! He refuses to sit in a high chair or even a booster seat these days. He's determined to be a big boy. 
I will miss these random "adventures" of killing time in our mornings until it's late enough to start our crazy busy days. Running around, wild & free, is totally his forte. He is just so curious & could explore the world all day long!