Teaching Grey| Blue

9:28 AM Amanda Greathouse 2 Comments

Being a stay-at-home mom is an experience I never thought I would be able to have.

But with my husband's job, I have been able to take advantage of our situation & time in Germany to do so! Up until recently, Greyson has obviously been so young & I haven't been able to do much with him other than play with him.

So I decided I should take start something new for us! Why not use my time at home with Greyson to teach him things that he would otherwise be learning in daycare?! I'm not a teacher, just a mom who has some experience with preschool aged kids & a desire to teach my son!

I made a loose schedule for us to follow on our normal days. With him being only 19 months, he isn't the most cooperative to be honest. I have found it best to kind of go with the flow. I have a loose plan of what I want to do that day & rough times of when to do it. But if you look closely, the "structured" times are short & can easily be shifted around.

I made sure to have plenty of time for him to play how he wants. If he wants to read a book, we read. If he wants to play with his puzzle, we do it. I started this off trying to convince him to do what I wanted without much thought to what he wanted & we would both end up frustrated. So I took a new approach & it has been working out much better.

I've read a few articles & information I found through Pins on Pinterest about teaching 18 months-2 year olds. And I decided to start with colors.

First up: Blue!

I pulled out all of the blue Mega Bloks to build with 

I made flash cards of the colors with the name written on them & set out the blue one as well as the various blue crayons & some paper to draw on. 

I collected some blue things from around the house & made a simple sensory bin. I used the last bit of quick oats for the material & just set it down for Grey to explore. I also gave him an empty container so he could move the items back & forth if he wanted

I broke out 2 shades of blue paint & set him up to make a picture! He loves to paint & its sort of a sensory activity too, which I love! & I'm totally "that mom" who put her 19 month old's artwork on the fridge!

On top of that, we read various color books throughout the day. He's slowly catching on. He doesn't pick out the blue items always yet, but he's getting there. He will know his colors in no time, I'm sure!

Hope this inspires you to do some fun activities with your little ones!


  1. Love it! Pretty much what we do. Play learn. I'd like to do something a little more structured/purposeful around 2. Sounds like fun to me!

    1. Oh definitely all fun, almost no structure! He just doesn't have the attention span to really focus on things to learn yet, which is normal & okay by me! I just want to do as much as I can with him before he starts going to a child care center when we move.
